Our Customer's Challenge
A customer that collects and deals in old collectable Brunswick - Balke - Collander billiard tables had acquired a 10' Brunswick Hudson table that had seen better days. The six legs were destroyed by water, a number of trim and inlay pieces were missing, and there was a significant amount of loose veneer on many of the pieces. Though 10' billiard tables are not very popular due to the large size, the owner wanted to save it despite the poor condition.
The Solution
Our restoration work on this table consisted of the complete fabrication of six new legs from scratch along with missing trim pieces, replacing inlay, and regluing the delaminated areas of veneer. The layout, glue up, shaping, and lamination of the veneers made the legs very involved and time consuming to fabricate. Part way through our restoration, the table was sold to a new owner who made a few changes. He selected a very intricate cut of veneer for the legs and changed how he wanted the leg overlays placed. In addition, he had us cut down the width and length to make it into an 8' table and set it up with convertible rails to allow him to easily switch out bumpers on the table. After considerable new build work, custom fabricating, and regluing, the table was ready for finishing. The tables unique inlay design on the rails and overlays, choice cuts of walnut veneer on the legs, and rich grain on the table body, finished up with a very rich color and beautiful grain detail when completed.
The Results
The new owner was thrilled with how the table turned out. Even though it was changed from what the table was originally, it turned out exactly how he wanted.